Shortly after Modi finished his address in Amethi, Priyanka, who had already left for New Delhi, said, "Inhone Amethi ki dharti pe mere shaheed pitaa ka apmaan kiya hai. Amethi ki janta is harkat ko kabhi maaf nahi karegi. Inki neech rajniti ka jawaab mere booth ke karyakartaa denge. Amethi ke ek ek booth se jawaab aayega." (The BJP has shown disrespect to my martyred father on his home ground Amethi. The people of Amethi will never forgive this insult. My workers will respond to their low-level of politics. The answer will be there for all to see from every single booth in Amethi.)
On Monday, the streets of Amethi were nearly saffronised, with scores of BJP supporters arriving in Amethi as campaigning drew to a close. Though BJP supporters waved their party flags in front of Priyanka's fleet as well, while she was on her way to Gajenpur village in Musafirkhana, the Congress star campaigner remained her smiling self and refused to be drawn into controversy.
Priyanka, who spent the morning hours meeting with party workers and back-end management - overseeing the distribution of poll kits - visited a few more villages in the parliamentary constituency before calling it a day.
Accompanied by her 13-year-old son Raihan, she returned to New Delhi on Monday evening, minutes before Modi arrived in Amethi and began his invective against the Gandhi family and the Congress party.
Priyanka has camped in the twin constituencies of Amethi and Rae Bareli since April 18, taking just a two-day break in between to return to New Delhi for personal work. On Sunday, after campaigning with brother Rahul in Jais and Salon blocks, she had exuded confidence saying the Congress would win both Rae Bareli and Amethi, "as usual."
Though the Gandhi bastion faces a tough electoral battle against BJP's Smriti Irani and Kumar Vishwas of the Aam Aadmi Party, the Gandhis have been dismissive of the challenge the two pose. Amid complaints from local residents that infrastructure in the constituency has not seen any development in the last decade, Priyanka, Sonia and Rahul have maintained Amethi has seen enormous development since it was baptised as a prime ministerial constituency. On Sunday too, while campaigning, Rahul promised to convert Amethi into England at an election rally in Jagdishpur.
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