The issue came to light a day after Jashpur scion Vikramaditya Singh Judeo allegedly tried to mow down director of a school under his SUV over a land dispute on Monday. Judeo, who is also wanted in other cases, is now on the run. Police claim they are scouring neighbouring Jharkhand and Odisha to nab him.
Residents of Kunjara village, 55km from Jashpur Nagar, say royals and their supporters have been forcing 20 families to vacate land on which they have been living for decades. Locals claim they consider themselves as 'raja ki praja' (king's subjects) and have been serving the palace for more than a century. "Royals recently conducted a survey to assess land owned by them and zeroed in on Kunjara village and allegedly asked them to shift out or pay lagaan (tax)," said a villager.
"We are spending sleepless nights since the 'farman' was issued last month. They claim half of village land of 52.77 acres belongs to royals. But small chunks were donated to families by Raja Vijay Bhushan Singh Judeo. The current king's men are trying to usurp our land," said Sukhni Bai, resident of Kunjara village said.
Another villager, Ravishankar, told TOI over phone he was asked to pay lump sum tax of Rs 12,300 for residing on land. "We don't have any other place to go. Some families have begun moving out. We don't have money to pay rent or tax," he said.
These villagers have another worry as well. "Who would serve the palace if we move out? Who would wash Raja's feet if we go," asked Sukhni Bai.
Another villager said, "Samman se zaida dehshat hai (More than respect, it's fear). We don't take any stand or go to police. The royal writ runs large. Our ancestors have served them, but it's their land and they will take it away. We will have to face their wrath if we don't abide by their diktat."
Two government office buildings of forest department and public works department, both in Kunjara village, were demolished about a month ago. Speaking to TOI, Jashpur divisional forest officer, K Macchio, said, "Forest department was not informed or notified about the demolition. We are verifying whether land belonged to palace."
Kunkuri BJP MLA Rohit Sai skirted the issue. "I was not in town. I will talk to villagers of Kunjara and also to Ranvijay Singh Judeo," he said.
Judeo, who is BJP's Rajya Sabha member from Chhattisgarh, could not be reached for comment, despite repeated attempts. An SMS sent to him seeking his comments remained unanswered.
After his younger brother allegedly tried to crush a school director Barmeshwar Gupta, critically injuring him on Monday, Ranvijay Singh Judeo posted on his Facebook saying, "I strongly condemn the incident and I stand by Raja Vijay Bhushan Singh Judeo's belief of treating people like family members. I assure law would take its own course."
State home minister Ram Sewak Paikra said, "Government is treating the incident seriously. Guilty would not be spared."
Jashpur royals enjoy considerable clout in the tribal region in north Chhattisgarh with majority members part of ruling BJP. Singh Judeo,lagaan,Jashpur royals,BJP
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