Former spokesperson Prof Manjit Singh, who was also a member of the screening committee for selecting Lok Sabha candidates, was suspended for "indiscipline" by AAP's state convener Sucha Singh Chhotepur.
This comes at a time when Patiala MP Dharamvira Gandhi, who had supported rebel members Prashant Bhushan and Yogendra Yadav at the national council meet, has written to party chief Arvind Kejriwal complaining against the "slander" campaign against him. An effigy of the parliamentarian was burnt a few days ago indicating deep unrest within the state unit.
When contacted, he refused to disclose the contents of the letter although sources confirmed that in the missive sent "two-three days ago", Gandhi complained about the "slander" campaign against him and instances of his effigies being burnt.
The party has also discontinued 22 district observers it had appointed to "oversee" elections to local bodies in Punjab.
Issuing a show cause notice to Manjit Singh, Chottepur said he had appeared on two television channels and criticized Arvind Kejriwal. "This amounts to indiscipline and he has been suspended. If he had an opinion, he could have discussed it in party forums but should not have gone public," Chhotepur said.
Sources said Singh was also penalized for the fact that he had hosted a breakfast meeting for journalists where rebel member Yogendra Yadav had reportedly "planted'' negative stories against the party.
Reacting to his suspension, Manjit Singh said, "All this is a threat to the idea of swaraj put forth by AAP convener Arvind Kejriwal. It is leading to insecurity in the rank and file and people will fear speaking truth in the party. Eventually, the party is moving towards being led by a bunch of sycophants. AAP had promised democracy but the actual practice is quite the contrary.
"Chhotepur has not called even a single meeting of the state executive or the state organizing committee where voices of dissent could be heard. I've been stripped of all posts ever since Yogendra Yadav's role in handling Punjab affairs ended."
AAP has, meanwhile, called a meeting of the party at its Mohali office on April 6 and it will be attended by Sanjay Singh and Punjab leaders to discuss the roadmap for the state.
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