The collaboration will take effect with the Comic Con Bangalore scheduled for next week. The Comic Con India currently takes place across four cities in the country. The 4th Comic Con India, that took place in February this year, recorded sales of nearly Rs 2 crores over three days. Reed Exhibitions registered a turnover of $1.4 billion in 2012 and has been doing business in India for three years now. They have over 500 events in 40 countries, a handful of which are in India.
"Reed Exhibitions India will ensure that we have a lot of knowledge flow from our international entities into the Indian market. Having local partners who understand the local business is the best approach. That's what we feel with CCI in the comic con sector. We can bring in a lot of global know-how with running shows like the New York Comic Con," says Michael Mandl, CEO of Reed Exhibitions, India.
"We had a limited number of international exhibitors last year. We would send out emails to hundreds of people and two would reply. Now we can pick and choose who we want to bring in. With our partnership we should also be able to get the companies in India to do a lot more here" says Jatin Varma founder of the Comic Con India, on his expectations from the partnership. "Here in India, the average print-run for a comic is just 1,000 copies. We want the market here to grow as well," adds Varma, who foresees more gaming events, participation from entertainment stars and an increased interest in cosplay in the coming years in the Indian comic cons. Comic Con Bangalore,the Chicago Comic,Reed Exhibitions,New York Comic Con,Comic Con India
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