Of over 3 lakh students who appeared in the class X and class XII exams, around 2.11 lakh were declared successful.
Kumari Vijay Lakshmi Goswami from PPSVMIC Nanakmata school at Uddham Singh Nagar, topped the class X exams with 95.6% score, including full marks in Mathematics.
Passing percentage reveals that the boys stood nowhere close to the girls in both the classes. While the pass percentage for girls in class XII was 77.6%, it was 73.6% in class X. Boys lagged far behind with a pass percentage of 63.2 in class XII and 61.5 in class X.
"50 girls featured in the merit list of class X and five out of the 10 students who scored more than 90% in class XII were girls," said D K Mathela, Secretary, Board of school education, Uttarakhand.
"The girls of the state have excelled this time in the Uttarakhand boards and are giving a tough fight to the boys at not just the high school level but also at the intermediate examinations level," he said.
Abhinav Rawat of Reeta Government school, Garhishyampur, Doiwala of Dehradun district topped class XII in the state with a score of 92.8%. Aayushi Verma, with a score of 92.2%, stood second in the state in class XII exams.
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