Thursday, 1 May 2014

Father refuses to politicise Kargil hero's death

CHANDIGARH: Kargil war hero Capt Saurav Kalia's father N K Kalia is fighting for justice for the brutal killing of his son by Pakistan army during the war in 1999, but he does not want to politicize his son's death.

Talking to TOI on Thursday, Kalia, a retired CSIR scientist, said the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) had offered ticket for the martyr's mother Vijay Kalia from Kangra parliamentary constituency in Himachal Pradesh but he had refused the offer.

"I know the political parties wanted to cash in on my son's name in the polls but my experience with the politicians in the past 15 years has proved that our parliamentarians have no guts to take up the issue with Pakistan," said Kalia.

"Our netas are more internationalists than nationalists. For them, their image is more important abroad and they can stoop to any level," he added.

Kalia said no political leader of the state or national level has come to him to promise that he would take up the matter to some logical conclusion.

"I already have huge public support, which has been increasing every year in support of my fight. Over two lakh emails and nearly 40,000 handwritten letters vouch for that. Honestly, we will have to take several births to repay all that," Kalia added.

He has no regret for losing his son, who died while fighting to secure the nation's boundaries at the age of 23 but his only grouse is that he failed to get justice for his son whose body was disfigured by Pakistan troops.

Sixty-five-year old Kalia has been running around ministry of defence, Army headquarters, ministry of external affairs and Prime Minister's Office for the past 15 years, requesting them to take up the matter at international platform to prove that Pakistan army had violated the Geneva Conventions. His case is now pending before the Supreme Court.

He wants the Indian government to pressurize Pakistan to apologize, identify and punish those Pak soldiers indulged in the barbaric torture of Capt Kalia.



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