Rajya Sabha MP of BJP, Avinash Rai Khanna, who had taken up the matter with Indian government after it was brought to his notice, besides raising the issue in the Parliament, said Gagan Bhardwaj, one of the 8 youths acquitted in the case, who is from Hoshiarpur, called him up. The other Punjabi youth freed in the case is Sarabjot Singh from Gurdaspur.
The other Indian youths who were also acquitted include Ajay Kumar, Asraf Ali, Dharmaraj Kumar Bhardwaj, Sanjeev Kumar Bhardwaj, Nimesh and Aurobindo. Khanna said all of them would be returning to India next week. They were arrested by the Nigerian navy on November 25, 2012, and were charged for pilfering crude oil while working on the ship. However, they claimed that they were innocent and were falsely implicated.
Meanwhile, MP Khanna said he was seeking details of the two convicted Indians also, including the charges and evidence against them and the conditions they were being kept in Nigeria. "Gagan had been telling me from there that they were living in a miserable condition in the jail," he said.
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