Addressing a public meeting at Ramleela Park in Allahpur, Singh said, "Faulty policies and corruption are responsible for the price rise." He also took potshots at SP president Mulayam Singh Yadav and BSP supremo Mayawati and said, "They boast of being messiah of the poor but back Congress which is responsible for the price rise."
Praising Atal Bihari Vajpayee's government (1998 to 2004), Rajnath claimed," We controlled inflation and kept prices in check despite international sanctions owing to nuclear tests and Kargil war."
He emphatically asserted, "India is not a weak country. On the contrary it is a powerful country. Despite international pressure, Atal Bihari Vajpayee decided to conduct nuclear tests. Our nuclear scientists successfully carried out five nuclear tests."
Rich and powerful countries imposed international sanctions to cripple the economy but Vajpayee prevented the repercussions from reaching the common man and controlled price rise. Amidst huge applause from the crowd, he asserted: "Desh ki janata mein aakrosh hai aur wah asaadharan parivartan chahti hai.(Resentment is brewing among the people and they want an unprecedented change)."
He further said that a BJP tsunami was prevailing across the country. "Poll pundits are predicting 15 seats for our alliance in Tamil Nadu which shows the acceptability of the party even in the South," he added.
Reflecting on BJP prime ministerial nominee Narendra Modi, he said "India does not need a weak leader but a strong leader who has a lion's heart. Modi is a popular leader and we will make Modi the prime minister of the country."
He also said, "Seeing students' we will try to ensure two more attempts in IAS exams. Further, we will see that justice is done to students appearing in UPPSC exams."
Meanwhile, delegation of competitive students met Rajnath and demanded CBI investigation in the scam of UPPSC exam.
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