Addressing a news conference in New Delhi, senior BJP leader and chairman of the Delhi BJP Lok Sabha poll panel said, "He (Bukhari) changes his stand every time. He sometimes appeals to Muslims to vote for BSP, but at another time he seeks votes for other parties. In this election, he has now come forward to support Congress and TMC."
Malhotra claimed that Muslims do not follow his advice and BJP wants them not to fall into his trap. "BJP is the only party which cares for the minority community", he said.
He said that BJP has appealed to the Election Commission that it should stop Bukhari from making any appeal in favour of Congress Party from the premises of Jama Masjid.
"As per Election Commission's directives, appealing for votes from any religious place such as temple, gurudwara, church, masjid etc or using them for election campaign is a violation of model code of conduct," Malhotra said.
The BJP leader alleged that Congress has no effective Muslim leaders and was bowing down to a "communal" person such as imam.
"Worried over greatest defeat in history, the Congress' president Sonia Gandhi is taking the shelter of Imam of Jama Masjid, which is communal act. BJP is the secular party while Congress is the communal party," he claimed.
Malhotra also slammed the 'sting' operation, conducted by Cobrapost, on the Babri Masjid demolition and questioned the timing of it and termed it as "sponsored" operation.
Asked if BJP would seek votes on the issue of Ram temple in Ayodhya, he said that let the party's manifesto come and you (reporters) would get to know about this matter.
Meanwhile in Lucknow, the BSP on Friday termed Bukhari's support to Congress and criticism of BSP as "strange", even as it welcomed his declaration that secular forces need not support Samajwadi Party.
"The record so far of Congress and SP in safeguarding the life and property as well as religious affairs of Muslims is hopeless whereas that of BSP has been exceptionally good," the party said in a statement.
Citing efforts taken by BSP to bring Muslims in the mainstream during its rule in the state, the party said it is time that Bukhari and Muslim community realized that for the benefit of "sarv samaj" it is necessary to support BSP in the Lok Sabha polls which can check BJP.
The Congress is incapable of checking BJP. Otherwise, it (BJP) would not have returned to power in Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan besides in Gujarat, BSP said.
"Specially in UP, it is only the BSP which can defeat BJP. So all secular parties should extend their full support to it as regretting later would not serve any purpose," it said.
Bukhari is considered as an influential religious leader. He appealed to Muslims on Friday to support the Congress to ensure "secular" voters are not divided. His appeal came days after his meeting with Congress president Sonia Gandhi sparked a row.
(With inputs from PTI)
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