Meeting the party's Lok Sabha MPs for a discussion on parliamentary strategy, Sonia said the party must participate in discussions on price rise irrespective of the rule it was held under. While the government agreed on discussion under rule 193 that does not entail voting contrary to the demand of the Congress and allies, Sonia said it was an opportunity to expose the BJP that had made inflation its key issue for a long time.
After the meeting, Congress members were prepared to join the debate in the post-lunch session. Amarinder Singh was ready to initiate the debate but it fell prey to Trinamool Congress's protest over step-motherly treatment of West Bengal in the rail budget.
Sources said Sonia will hold meetings with Lok Sabha MPs on parliamentary strategy on Tuesdays.
In what was a first of sorts, Sonia asked the MPs about their views on the way forward in Parliament, eliciting different views. She also touched upon the controversy over the post of leader of opposition. Gandhi,parliament,Lok Sabha
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