Saturday, 18 April 2015

Dozen sustain burn injuries in blowout at ONGC Gujarat field

NEW DELHI/SURAT: At least a dozen persons sustained burn injuries in a fire that broke out on Saturday when a piece of equipment used to prevent blowouts at one of the gas wells in state-run Oil and Natural Gas Corporation's Ankleshwar fields. Some 80 kms from Surat, was being repaired.

Three of the 12 injured were released after first-aid. ONGC said in a tweet. The injured include seven SMT members, while the rest were crane operators and helpers. ONGC has removed all non-essential persons from the site. Since it is more than 1.5 km away from human habitation, there is no danger to any person or property.

Preliminary reports said the fire broke out in well OLPAD-31 near Dihen village in Olpad taluka of Surat district. Pressure had built up in the well since 10 pm on Wednesday and gas started whizzing out at great pressure.

ONGC pressed into service critical management team (CMT) to reduce temperature and control gas flow. It appears that the flow was not capped fully and the gas coming out of the well's valve caught fire at 12.30, with flames leaping 20 feet into air. The fire is reported to have raged for five hours.

Villagers were stopped from going to their fields and the entire road was cordoned off. People from nearby villages claimed that black ash had spread in the area and settled on their crops. There are about 400 fields on the outskirts of the village where vegetables, sugarcane and paddy is grown.

Ankleshwar fields produce 900 million cubic metres of gas and a million tonne of oil in a year. The well where the fire broke out was considered prolific and was being given a work-over to raise production. It was pumping 33,660 cubic metres per day of gas. The fire's impact on the field's production was not immediately known.

Senior company executives and engineers are supervising the fire-fighting efforts. District officials too are at hand providing support to ONGC. flame,SMT members,ONGC,Oil and Natural Gas Corporation,Ankleshwar

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