In 2013, Yadav, a resident of Ramnagar village under the limits of Elau police station, was arrested for allegedly raping a girl from the neighbouring Nagla Saar village. He was also involved in more than half-a-dozen other crimes including molestation, and the Goonda Act and Arms Act were imposed on him at separate police stations, including Elau and Kisni (police stations) of the district.
"His name entered the police records for the first time in 2003, when he was just 21, for allegedly molesting and assaulting a minor girl from his village," informed superintendent of police Shrikant Singh while talking to TOI.
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Uber driver was arrested for rape in 2011 and also in 2013
In the 2013 rape case, he, however, escaped because of lack of evidence.
Reacting to the news of Yadav's arrest, the father of the Nagla Saar victim said, "He deserves to die. My daughter's case was not the first crime he had committed. Every other woman and girl of the village was scared of him. None dared to venture out after dusk. As I see it, his release in the absence of evidence had only emboldened him, poor investigation by police had not only ruined my daughter's life, but others too. We have gone through a lot of pain and anguish. As a father, I tried to get justice for my little daughter but I failed."
"We feel that such a person should be handed over to the public and stoned to death. He deserves no mercy. Did not the girl in the recent Delhi case suffer? What was her fault? What was the mistake of my niece?" said another relative of the victim.
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Meanwhile, as the news of the heinous crime by Shiv Kumar Yadav spread in his native village, while on one hand his parents locked themselves in their house out of shame, on the other, women heaved a sigh of relief and distributed sweets. The women in the village also demanded the harshest punishment for the accused.
Yadav's parents are settled at Ram Nagar village under Elau police station in Mainpuri district, notorious for churning out liquor at illicit breweries.
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It was at this village that Yadav, now in the custody of the Delhi Police, had grown up and passed high school examinations from a local college. He shifted to Delhi about a year ago after knowledge of his notoriety spread.
Yadav's family members are in shock. Ever since the crime committed by Shiv Kumar came to light, they have stopped venturing out of their house and interacting with locals. "Earlier he had made his parents infamous in the village, now he has brought a bad name not only to his parents but to the whole village. The parents will have to face shame their whole life," a villager quoted Yadav's father Ramnath (76), a retired head master of a government school, as saying.
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