Thursday, 1 May 2014

Electronic voting machines caused problems in Ludhiana

LUDHIANA: Electronic voting machines (EVM) at three polling stations gave a tough time to the employees on duty as there were reports of some technical faults. though, these were rectified by the staff on the duty and the voting remained over all good.

Voting was delayed for almost one and a half hour in the polling booth no 23, 24, 25 in ward no 26 on Jassian road. The EVMs here developed a fault in the morning itself when the polling had just started and merely eleven votes were casted.

The machines were later rectified and the voting was resumed and the voters heaved a sigh of relief.

Situation was somewhat similar in Dugri polling booth no 67 and 68 that was set up in the Patwar Khana. Four EVM machines in these polling booths developed a fault and delayed the voting by 2 hours. Voting started here at around 9 am only after the faults were rectified and people were able to cast their votes.

Karamsar colony polling booth no. 120 and 121 also witnessed similar scene as people had to wait for half an hour when the EVMs here gave away. The fault was finally set right and normal voting was resumed on these polling booths.

"Initially we thought there is a problem and now we will either have to come again or wait for a very long time but the machines were set right and we were able to cast our votes. My wife was there with me and thus, I was more concerned about the time taken. It was very hot today as well, but finally we cast our vote after waiting for almost half an hour," said Manjeet Singh a businessman from Karamsar Colony.

Deputy Commissioner Rajat Agarwal who is also the District election officer informed that over all voting went uninterrupted and on the booths where minor problems were encountered on the spot solutions were done and the EVMs that had some fault were corrected making the voting go smoothly at all the booths in Ludhiana.



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