"Main Rajiv Gandhi ki beti hoon' (I am Rajiv Gandhi's daughter)," she said. At another place during the campaign, Priyanka was again asked about Modi's comments. She said, "My father died for this country more than 20 years ago. I love him more than I love anybody else in my life. And I don't appreciate this comparison at all," she said.
She further added that her father is a martyr. "He sacrificed his life for the country. And in my heart, he can never be compared to any other person," she said. The Congress star campaigner also replied in negative when asked whether she was offended and angry over Modi's comments about her. "No, it doesn't really anger me....but enough is enough. I don't get offended by anything anyone says."
Asked why Modi is saying such things, she shot back saying , "He would know better than I do."
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