The society pointed out that Article 51 A (g) of the Indian Constitution clearly states that it shall be the duty of every citizen of India to protect and improve the natural environment including forests, lakes, rivers and wildlife, and to have compassion for living creatures.
HSI-India's managing director, N.G Jayasimha called for collective support from all political parties."We believe that a change in political party manifestoes can establish a higher animal welfare standard in the country. The Indian public is largely aware of animal welfare as a crucial issue and we urge all political groups to firmly engage and take a progressive stand in safeguarding the welfare of animals in India," he said
The three-page note focuses broadly on the 'barbaric' treatment meted out to animals in intensive farming, research, laboratories, puppy mills and the need to protect wildlife. The model manifesto includes some policy recommendations.
The society said industrialization of animal agriculture severely impacted animals as well as public health and environment and the 16th Lok Sabha must support animal welfare friendly agriculture and implement stronger environmental and farm animal welfare regulations.
"Every year in India, thousands of rabbits, mice, guinea pigs and other animals endure painful tests during research or experimentation," one of the recommendations pointed out adding that a nation-wide strategy for the development and adoption of non-animal testing methods was required.
The society said there should be focus on the implementation of animal birth control in constituencies across the country, prohibit puppy mills and the sale of pets from pet stores.
"Illegal wildlife trade causes animal suffering as well as depletion of species, and is often linked to violence, drugs, and organized crime," the society said adding that legislations should be brought out in order to regulate or end the trading of live wild animals and trading of their parts.
The society said a new Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act should be brought in including animal welfare in all trade agreements.
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