In its complaint to the Election Commission on Wednesday, BJP said, "Priyanka Vadra, a keen observer of rodents, likened the BJP to panic ridden frightened rats."
The petition added, "We also like to draw the attention of the EC to the continuing slander in derogatory language of our leaders, especially our PM candidate. Farooq Abdullah made the lofty statement that those who vote for Modi deserve to be thrown into the sea and Derek O'Brien, Trinamool Congress MP, went ecstatic in naming Shri Modi as the butcher of Gujarat.
"All the canons of sobriety and decency in electoral behaviour, assiduously built into the fabric of a code of conduct over years of toil by the commission, have been thrown to the winds during a month of campaign, making it an uphill task for the commission... We request the commission to issue notice to the delinquents."
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