Calling it as a violation of model code of conduct, Dantewada sub-divisional magistrate and election officer Shivanand Sai said, "We have received complaints about Soni Sori against which the commission has issued a show-cause notice seeking an explanation on her intentions in wearing the party cap while voting. As per reports, police intervened when her supporters were video-recording the event."
Sai said that a formal report would be prepared followed by an investigation. Relevant action would be taken by Bastar returning officer.
Talking to TOI, Sori said that she didn't intend to violate the code of conduct and had removed the cap minutes before casting vote. Contradicting her statement, AAP state convener Sanket Thakur said that due to persistent threat from Maoists to boycott polls and police harassment, Sori was stressed and went wearing the cap inside polling booth at Kuakonda in a moment of panic.
Sori alleged that her brother Ramdeo and nephew Lingaram Kodopi, who has also been alleged as Maoist supporter, were detained for six hours and beaten by CRPF men. "CRPF abused my brother and Linga and detained them for hours due to which I had to rush to Bedma village to rescue them. CRPF men said that it was me and my supporters due to whom Maoists were firing and planting bombs and tagged us as Maoists. On one hand, Maoists play against me asking me to boycott polls and on the other hand police call me a Maoist supporter, what an irony!" she said.
AAP convener Sanket Thakur demanded re-polling in Kuakonda, Bedma, Ganjenar, Palnar and other neighboring tribal regions. "There were just three votes registered at Kuakonda and other neighbouring areas registered very low voter turn-out amid frequent firing by Maoists. CRPF men had shifted four-five booths of these regions and turned them into one polling centre at the eleventh hour without informing voters," Thakur claimed.
He alleged that CRPF purposely tried to prevent voters from casting vote as they would have chosen Soni Sori. However, electoral officers said that re-polling would be decided only after investigations.
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