It was reported on Tuesday by the Indian Express that two Muslim clerics, who were arrested from Haryana recently for their alleged links with LeT, have revealed to Delhi Police that they paid a visit to riot-hit Muzaffarnagar and met some victims there. "Some of the men who were allegedly approached refused to join hands with the Pakistan-based terror group and instead informed the special cell of the Delhi Police," the report said.
"It seems like what Rahul said was true", said Congress leader Digvijaya Singh reacting to the report.
In October 2013, Congress vice-president Rahul Gandhi triggered a spat with both the BJP and SP claiming intelligence agencies in Pakistan were in touch with riot victims in Muzaffarnagar to ensnare them into terrorism during an election rally in Indore, Madhya Pradesh.
"A couple of days ago, an intelligence officer walked into my office and told me that people from Pakistan are talking to the relatives of Muslims killed in Muzaffarnagar. The officer told me that he has been trying to convince victims not to get swayed by Pakistani propaganda," Rahul had said at the rally.
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