UP chief secretary Jawed Usmani said after improvement in the law and order situation, only five relief camps were functioning with 4,783 people living in them. Of these, one camp was in Gram Loi in Muzaffarnagar, while four others were in Madarsa Taimurshah, Malakpur, Barnai and Eidgad-Kandala village in Shamli district.
His claims were in sharp contrast to an affidavit filed by social activist Shahid Hasan of Lisaad village in the Supreme Court on December 10, in which he gave names and locations of 14 relief camps giving shelter to 27,882 people. The chief secretary said of the 58 camps which were initially set up privately and later adopted by the government, only five are remaining.
Usmani refused to answer as to how many children had died in the relief camps. "A relief camp cannot be world class. People do come across problems in relief camps," he said. While Muzaffarnagar DM Kaushal Raj Sharma had earlier said that 11 children died in these relief camps, Usmani said the number of deaths would be known only after the committee, headed by divisional commissioner, Meerut, submits its report.
Shahid Hasan, in his affidavit, had claimed that 39 people, including 21 children below the age of 10 years, had died due to pathetic conditions in the camps. The situation is likely to deteriorate further as the winter chill intensifies.
Usmani admitted the victims had refused to return to nine villages- six of which are in Muzaffarnagar and the rest in Shamli. He said there are 1534 families comprising 8,500 people, who have refused to return to their villages. He said the state government was providing Rs 5 lakh to each family for rehabilitation in a village of their choice.
"As per the government's promise, a family member of the deceased has been provided with job. In all 58 persons have been provided government jobs," he said. These families were given Rs 10 lakh each by the state government and Rs 2 lakh from the prime minister's relief fund, he said.
Usmani said 319 people were arrested in connection with the riots, 11 of whom were booked under the National Security Act (NSA). He said the state government had also cancelled the arms licences and seized arms in the riot-hit districts.
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