Until now, state services officers were being selected for IAS, IPS and IFoS on the basis of their seniority and annual confidential reports (ACRs).
As per the revised scheme for induction of state civil services/non-SCS/State police services/state forest services to IAS/IPS/IFoS, UPSC will now conduct a common examination to decide on the eligible candidates. The selection will be made through a 1,000-mark, four-stage process, including a written examination and interview.
The new norms require a state civil service officer to face the written examination comprising two papers — Paper I on aptitude test and Paper II on general studies and state-specific/service-specific questions to test the knowledge and application of the officers in the critical areas of public administration and development-related issues. There will be a third written paper on essay, comprehension and precis type only for non-state civil services officers, in addition to the two papers.
There will also be an interview and assessment of ACR by a board for such officers.
"A final merit list shall be prepared taking into account all the marks obtained in four components, i.e, 'written examination', 'length of service', 'assessment of ACR' and 'interview' by all the candidates in the zone of consideration,"
The weightage of written examination would be 30%, length of service (25%), ACR (25%) and interview (20%) as per the new norms.
An officer should have eight years of a 'Group A' service in a state for all categories (IAS, IPS and IFoS) and must be less than 54 years of age to qualify for the selection process. This maximum age may eventually be brought down.
The revised scheme may be reviewed after its implementation for three years.
The ministry of personnel had in May written to all states seeking their views regarding changes in existing rules to select officers from states for IAS, IPS and IFoS.
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