In her letter to the Prime Minister, Jayanthi said Sri Lankan president Mahinda Rajapaksa's government had committed war crimes and human rights violations. Rajapaksa had not done anything for the devolution of power to Tamils, she said.
Jayanthi sought an appointment with the Prime Minister to express her views.
In her letter to Singh, Jayanthi mentioned the recent video evidence of Tamil actress Isai Priya's killing which was released by the UK-based Television, Channel 4. The minister said she was disturbed by the video. "It is a shocking video. For people of Tamil Nadu, this is an emotional issue," she wrote in her letter.
The environment minister drew the Prime Minister's attention to the increasing number of attack on Indian fishermen by the Sri Lankan navy. "Time and again safety and security of our fishermen threatened. Indian fishermen have been harassed and humiliated," she said in her letter.
Sources close to the minister told TOI that she alleged that the Sri Lankan government had not addressed the fishermen issue. She said India had acknowledged human rights violations in Sri Lanka by voting against the Rajapaksa government at the United Nations twice.
"Public opinion in Tamil Nadu is that PM should not attend CHOGM. Rajpaksa's attitude is hostile and discriminatory," she said.
CHOGM should be boycotted to protest against the hostility shown to Sri Lankan Tamils. "I am sure you will consider the passionate feelings of the people of Tamil Nadu. Please consider the plight of innocent Tamil population in Lanka," Jayanthi wrote in her letter.
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